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The Kreative Casita Studio & Gallery grand opening was June 21st, 2013 and was a great success!
Opening Exhibition is " Surrealistic Journey Into Tarot " by Kristy Thomas.
Please check out the website at www.kreativecasita.com for information on upcoming events and to see exactly what we have planned!
July 13th & 14th , 10am-5pm we are having a sale of recycled/repurposed furniture, accessories & art. Come join us!
Two new exhibitions starting this weekend, Chubasco (Monsoon) and Ancient Uplift at Solar Culture. I also have created two bird houses for the Tucson Botanical Gardens summer exhibiiton called Flights of Fancy. New painting for my sister in law Beth for her birthday, called Remembering........ almost finished with the 5th painting in the Tarot series, very excited about this one............it should be up on the website in about a month..................busy but good times!
Hi, just wanted to let you know that under Pahuatlan International Exhibit, are pictures taken at the exhibit in Mexico, I will also post pictures of the exhibit in Spain when I receive them